It seems as though the universe is conspiring to keep me from writing anything. I am working on Disappearance in Drury Lane, a few chapters in, and deep into another historical romance which is past due at my publisher.
I had another publisher pull a series off sale overnight at the end of January, and I spent all of February scrambling to get those books re-released (as my inbox was flooded with email from angry readers). Happily that is now resolved, and I no longer have to spend large chunks of every day revising and proofreading an entire series.
Plus I have new, contracted books that are busily coming back to me for rewrites, editing checks, proofreading, and other things.
However, I do write every single day, 365 days a year (even on Christmas and my birthday). I'm not an author who sits back eating bon-bons waiting for inspiration to strike. I write. Even when I'm revising, editing, proofreading, having cover conferences, working on back cover copy, and making my publisher happy doing blog tours, going to appearances and book signings, I'm typing 500 to 3000 words a day depending on how much of other stuff I have to do.
A little bit at a time, and it all gets done.
I have released the second boxed set of the Captain Lacey Mysteries, which includes Sudbury School, The Necklace Affair (novella), Body in Berkeley Square, and Covent Garden Mystery. When I get a couple more books done, I will bundle those with Death in Norfolk. (Nook link:; Kindle link:
I am also now actively talking with a website designer so hope to have a new look for the Gardner Mysteries website soon.
It's all coming. The rise of self-publishing has given me the opportunity to revive and write more in the Lacey series (a good thing), but it has also descended my life into chaos ("May you live in interesting times").
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